Painting with Iris ft. Judith Loya


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Canvas Painting Tutorial Instructions

Hello everyone! Thank you for joining "Painting with Iris" featuring Judith Loya!

Today we will be painting the Twin Peak Mountains, which are located here in Alpine, Texas.

Before we begin, we are going to need some MATERIALS. This includes

  • 3 Paints of any color (I will be using acrylic, but any type of paint is fine)

By: Judith Loya
By: Judith Loya
  • Canvas (If you do not have one, a piece of paper will work too)

  • Napkins or paper towels to clean up any messes.

  • A Cup of water to clean off paint from the color before

  • Puffy Paint to add 3D to your art (This is optional)

  • A paper plate to place your paints on

  • Pencil (Optional)

  • Clothes that you can get dirty

  • Paint brushes (You can use the spongey ones or regular brushes)

*You do not need a paint brush to participate. You can use your fingers, your toes, or whatever you have available.

*The pictures are created by Judith Loya.*

I would like to note that in the description box, there is a link that you can click on that will take you to a page where I have created visual and written directions for this painting. You can follow along with me on there as well.

Now that we are already to go, let us get started!

First, we have to decide how we would like to paint on our canvas. Landscape where it is wider than it is high or Portrait where it is higher than it is wide. I will be using the landscape for my painting, but you are more than welcomed to use portrait if you want.

Now let us pick out our paints. I will be using Pink, Yellow and black. We would like to start off by using the second darkest color first. In my case, I will be using the pink first. I am going to squirt a small amount on my paper plate, and I am going to grab my paint brush and dab a little bit of pink paint on it. I am going to start off at the top of my canvas and work my way two-thirds down. I will be using the brush and move it in a side-to-side curved motion that is rainbow like from the left side of my canvas to the right side. I will then fill in the space from the line that I created to the top of my canvas. 

By: Judith Loya
By: Judith Loya

Then I am going to use my lightest color, which is yellow and you are going to pour just a little bit onto your paper plate and grab a bush and dab a little bit into the paint. You are going to put the yellow right in the middle under the pink. You are going to use the same side-to-side arched curved motion that is rainbow like. You are going to go all the ways from side-to-side and make sure you get the corners. What I like to do is draw a line at the bottom so I know how much to color in and if you go passed that line it is okay because it is just like a guide. It is a little less than two-thirds of the way. We are going to fill from the pink up here all the way to the yellow line we drew. Remember, if your brush gets dry, just dip a little bit in water and it makes the paint last longer and a little bit of paint goes a long way. You can always pause the video to finish painting this section up.

Now that we have our pink and yellow all filled out, the most important part now is to blend. We are going to blend these colors by using our pink and yellow paint brushes. We are going to soften the edges so that way it is a nice transition between pink and yellow. I am going to grab my pink brush and dip it in some water and we are going to just blend it softly with the yellow moving in an arched, rainbow like direction just between where the two colors meet. We can work upwards towards our second lightest color and we can also go back to our yellow brush, dip it in some water and work downwards. We should get that nice soft orange. If you need some more pink, you are more than welcomed to dip your brush back in the color just to get that nice transition shade and make sure we blend it our really nicely. We are going to just do this until we like it. You may pause the video and blend out those two colors to make your desired transition shade.  

By: Judith Loya
By: Judith Loya

Once we are done blending, we are going to use our darkest color. In my case, I will be using the black color and you are going to pour just a little bit onto your paper plate, and I am going to use this color to outline my mountains. If you are not using black, you will probably need to let your painting dry first before continuing. You can also use a pencil first to outline your mountains or you can just go ahead and go straight into the paint. I will be using my finger just because it is a lot easier for me to get the desired curves to my liking but you are more than welcome to use a paintbrush or whatever you feel comfortable using. These mountains do not have to be perfect. You can always look at the picture from the beginning of this video to have a reference. We will be starting right here, a little less than two-thirds of the canvas. We are going to move in an upward slanted direction and we are going to stop about one-fourth of the way going left to right and we are going to stop. We are going to go down just to make a little curve and then we are going to go back up the same height of the other little bump that we made. I am running out of paint so I just dipped my finger back in. We are going to go up to make the curve. Make sure you leave room for the other peak. So I made this one now I am going to go back down, make a little curve and then we are going to go back up in a slanted motion and we are going to go a little bit higher than the peak we did before. Then we are going to make a little curve, so we are going to go down, and then up like we did in the other peak. It is okay if it is not perfect. Then we are going to go back down in a slanted motion towards the end of our canvas.

By: Judith Loya
By: Judith Loya

Now that we have our outline completed, I am going to wipe my fingers off. Now I am going to grab a brush and I am going to dip it in my black and we are going to fill in the mountains that we outlined. So from the outline down we are going to color in with our darkest color and the way that I like to color or fill these in is kind of follow the outline that I made and just follow along with it all the way until it is filled in. But on the sides, I like to go in a up and down motion just because I find it easier to make sure I get all the corners and especially when I come towards the bottom I like to go in a side-to-side direction. Remember to dip your brush in water whenever you paint starts to get dry. You are going to just fill this in. Be creative, have fun and use a direction that is helpful for you. Like I said I like to follow the outline and I like to move side-to-side it is just what is easier for you.

By: Judith Loya
By: Judith Loya

Now that we are done, we can go and add anything to our painting that we would like. You can add the sun, stars, moon, a cactus, or a flower. Whatever you would like because this is your painting.

This next step that I am going to do is optional, you do not have to do it, but I love to add 3D to my paintings. I am going to use a black puffy paint and I am going to just outline the mountains like this. It is okay if you mess up. I have a lot of big glumps where I did not do it carefully, but that is okay because it is my painting.

There you have it! You all have just created your own canvas painting!

Before you go and show off your own masterpieces, I would like to ask you all some questions.


  • Were you able to learn how to create a canvas painting?

  • How did you physically create your own painting?

  • What do you love about your painting?

  • Was it easy to keep up with the video?

  • Was the material I listed helpful?

  • Did you have any challenges during this tutorial? If yes, what were they?

I would appreciate if you would answer these questions for me, along with sending a picture of your painting! Down below in the description box I will have my email and these questions so you can copy and paste to answer and send me an email. I cannot wait to see them! I know you all did an amazing job!

My Email:

Until Next time.... Thank you for watching!  

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